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In 1987 I committed my life to presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It led to the creation of Miracle Street and a journey I could never have imagined possible. I owe a debt that I could never repay to those who have prayed for me, supported me and walked this journey by my side. But far more important than any of us are those who have heard the message of Jesus and embarked on the great adventure of following him.
Steve Lee (Founder of Miracle Street)

Miracle Street was born on the streets of the south of England as Steve pioneered fresh ways of communicating the message of Jesus to crowds of people. Then came purpose-built mobile stage vehicles and a portable 300-seater church called the Bandwagon. In recent years, Steve has produced short films that have been watched millions of times around the world via social media. After five separate decades on the coalface, Steve remains devoted to exploring innovative ways to communicate God’s rescue plan for humanity that is revealed in the pages of the Bible.

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