I know God is near to me, I have constantly recognised and understood him throughout my life. (Ludwig van Beethoven) 

Ludwig van Beethoven died on this day in 1827. His phenomenal contribution to classical music places him at the top of the tree in the eyes of many. Beethoven was a Catholic and, by all accounts, a deeply spiritual man who believed his work was a mission of divine art not simply a creative process. 

Throughout the centuries people have reinterpreted his work as simply ‘spiritual’ despite him saying that it was a response to a personal faith in God. On the October 6th 1802, he wrote a now famous letter to his brother expressing the agony he was experiencing over the onset of deafness. It must have been heart-breaking for him.

Nevertheless, his faith came through over and over again. Beethoven’s tremendous personal struggle seemed to give him an empathy for others. Like Jesus, and many who have followed in his footsteps, he identified with the poor and the forgotten. His music fills the concert halls of the world and his short life of 56 years was one that contained a profound knowledge of God, his love and his mercy.

I was honoured to have served my country during World War Two. It made me realise how very precious life is. (British Paratrooper, 6th Airborne Division)

On March 24th 1945, as World War Two drew to a close, the skies above the River Rhine roared with the thunder of aircraft. Operation Varsity, a daring Allied airborne assault, the largest of its kind in a single day was underway. It was one of the final Allied operations in Europe.

Thousands of paratroopers jumped into a storm of bullets amidst the chaos of war with their brothers in arms dying all around them. Many more arrived in Gliders that took off from the various airfields in eastern England. Vital bridges and towns were secured, paving the way for the Allied advance into Germany.

Operation Varsity was carried out by thousands of brave young men. The ones who came back all had a story to tell. Curtis ‘Goldie’ Goldman was a 22 year old glider pilot, one of so many who played a vital role in putting men on the ground. After the war, he spoke of how his faith in Christ had sustained him that night at the controls of the aircraft. He survived the war and devoted the next 50 years of his life to serving God.

“You will be shunned unless your conduct is of the highest for your deeds will follow you down through history” (Lieutenant Colonel Tim Collins)

On March 19th 2003, British troops were about to enter Iraq. More specifically it was the same regiment that was immortalised as the Desert Rats during WW2. Their commanding officer was Lieutenant Colonel Tim Collins and this is an extract from the speech he gave to his men from the bonnet of a British armoured vehicle as they prepared for battle.

“We are entering Iraq not to conquer but to free a people. The only flag which will be flown in that ancient land is their own. Iraq is steeped in history, it is the location of the Garden of Eden and the birthplace of Abraham so tread lightly there.”

The Iraq War remains a highly controversial operation. I write this not to make any kind of statement about the rights and wrongs of it. But Tim Collins clearly sensed the enormous significance of that Biblical land his men were about to enter. It is true for so many of the places on earth that have been, and continue to be, ravaged by war and conflict.

My countless visits to Normandy and other WW1 and WW2 battle sites across Europe have led me to conclude that there is a spiritual imprint in those places that is caused by catastrophic loss of life. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his glorious church can turn the tide of evil and the wickedness that flows from the human heart.

“I arise today through the mighty strength of the Lord of Creation” (Saint Patrick)

March 17th is Saint Patrick’s Day, the patron saint of Ireland. This is an extract from a prayer he penned in more than 1,500 years ago.

I arise today through the strength of Heaven

Light of the sun, splendour of fire, speed of lightning, swiftness of the wind

Depth of the sea, stability of the earth, firmness of the rock

I arise today through God’s strength to pilot me  

God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me  

God’s eye to look before me, God’s ear to hear me  

God’s word to speak for me, God’s hand to guard me  

God’s way to lie before me, God’s shield to protect me  

God’s hosts to save me far and near, alone or in a multitude 

Christ shield me today against wounding  

Christ with me, Christ before me  

Christ behind me, Christ in me  

Christ beneath me, Christ above me  

Christ on my right, Christ on my left  

Christ in the heart of those who think of me  

Christ in the mouths of those who speak of me  

Christ in the eye that sees me

Christ in the ear that hears me 

I arise today through the mighty strength of the Lord of Creation

“There is no God. No one directs the universe” (Stephen Hawking)

World renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking died on this day in 2018. His immense struggle with the debilitating effects of ALS was truly inspirational. Anyone who heard him speak or read his book ‘Brief answers to the big questions’ that was published shortly after he passed away, would be left in no doubt that he was an atheist.

In my view, no one can prove or disprove the existence of a Creator because it is all about evidence and what each person does with that evidence. It is the reason why we have 12 members of a jury in a court of law. Each member decides if the evidence presented forward is enough to convict, the verdict is read out and then the judge declares the outcome. 

So what about the God of the Bible and the life, death and resurrection of his son Jesus? For me, the evidence I have encountered over the last 40 years provides irrefutable proof that God not only exists but changes lives. I have seen the lonely loved, the hungry fed, the sick healed, the addicted set free, the shattered mended and the lost found. Jesus is Alive!

“The feeling that I was going to live was overwhelming, I will never forget it” (Zeebrugge disaster survivor)

On this day in March 1987, the MS Herald of Free Enterprise set sail from Zeebrugge in Belgium, bound for Dover in England. Within minutes it became clear that the bow doors had been left open. The ship quickly filled with sea water and capsized plunging its passengers into the freezing waters of the English Channel. 193 of them would lose their lives in one of Britain’s worst maritime disasters since the Titanic in 1912.

In the days after the tragedy, survivors spoke of their experiences. Many recalled moments of unexpected peace and strength, as strangers held hands and prayed together. Crew members and passengers put the safety of others before their own. Andrew Parker, a British army sergeant held a baby above the freezing water and Father Raymond Luckhurst, a Catholic priest was seen praying with passengers.

75 years earlier, Christian evangelist John Harper, had remained on deck as the Titanic sank, refusing a place in a lifeboat in order to speak to passengers about Jesus. The Scottish preacher lost his life that night. One man said at a survivor’s gathering that he believed he was John Harper’s last convert.

My one purpose in life is to help people find a personal relationship with God, which I believe comes from knowing Jesus Christ” (Billy Graham) 

On this day in 1954, a barn-like auditorium in London, normally used for circuses and live sporting events, swung open its doors to 10,000 people. They had come to hear Billy Graham proclaim the message of Jesus. Within three months, two million would visit Harringay Arena and tens of thousands would commit their lives to following Jesus.

At that time, London was still reeling from the Blitz of WW2 that had destroyed 70,000 buildings had taken the lives of 40,000 people. Most Londoners were switched off to religion and disinterested in the idea of an American preacher coming here to tell them about the God of the Bible.

Even an Anglican Bishop said “Billy Graham will fall on his face in London and return to America with his tail between his legs.” A well-known tabloid journalist described him as ‘a religious racketeer’ but history would tell a different story. I’ve met people who were there in 1954 singing in the choir, stewarding the venue and even some who were converted. I believe with all my heart that we are about to see something similar in our time, we need it!

“My orders were to fight and I vowed to myself that I would carry them out. It may sound strange today, but I meant it” (Lieutenant Hiroo Onoda) 

On this day in 1974, a WW2 Japanese army officer named Hiroo Onoda was found by a search party in a remote jungle region. He had never received the order to disarm, more than thirty years after the Japanese surrender. Resisting every rumour as propaganda he fought on. Lieutenant Onoda spent decades stranded somewhere between war and peace.

When Jesus died on the cross, a war was won and a debt was paid for our rejection of God. It happened 2,000 years ago, but many still live in the battlefield, failing to realise they can walk free from it. Just like Hiroo Onoda, people come along announcing the news that freedom has arrived but they continue living a life independent of God.

The Bible says we have been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ but we have to accept it personally. Those who do, receive God’s gift of a new life in relationship with him and peace in this world. Choose today to live in the good of Christ’s victory on the cross and emerge from the wilderness of a self-imposed separation from God.

“The fear of confusion as travellers and shoppers met the new bronze coins for the first time proved unfounded” (Guardian Newspaper)

The switchover to decimal currency on this day in 1971 wasn’t an easy transition for the British people with many refusing to adopt the new money. Previously there were 12 pennies to a shilling and 20 shillings in a pound but now it was 100 pennies to the pound. Even the world famous London store, Harrods, employed ‘Decimal Penny Assistants’ to help confused customers with the new coins. 

February 15th was chosen as it was thought to be a quiet time for banks and shops who were closed for 5 days ahead of the big day to allow cheques to be cleared and accounts to be converted. Don’t forget, that this was before computers so the whole thing was done manually. Even though the new currency had arrived, the old stuff was still legal in banks and stayed around for a long time. 

When someone believes and understands that when Jesus Christ lived, died and rose again, something extraordinary happens. We are quite literally born again into a new life and we begin to live with a new currency. Giving your life to Jesus happens in a moment but the process of transitioning from an old life to a new life takes a lifetime. The Bible says “If anyone is in Christ they are a new creation, the old has gone and the new has come.”

“Your heroic sacrifice has made it possible for me to stand here today as president. I place the remaining years of my life in your hands” (Nelson Mandela)

On this day in 1990, after years of global campaigning, Nelson Mandela was freed after 27 years locked in a cell with no bed or sanitation. Jailed in 1964 for resisting the vicious apartheid system in South Africa, he would go on to make a colossal impact as president of South Africa.

On poling day, the world witnessed incredible scenes as millions of people casted a vote for freedom and equality for the first time. Throughout his presidency, Mandela would resist constant calls for retribution against those who had wronged him and his people. The South Africa of today, although not perfect, shines as a beacon of hope and reconciliation in a troubled world. 

A life-long friend, who was with him moments before he died, emotionally recounted seeing Mandela’s face light up as he read these words at the great man’s request “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord look upon you with kindness, and give you peace.”

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever” (Mahatma Gandhi)

Iconic Indian statesman, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on this day in 1948 having risen from the brutal scars of abuse to achieve almost god-like status among the Indian people. He was a fearless champion of the ‘untouchables’ often being seen in some of India’s worst slums.

Gandhi was known for wearing simple clothes and travelling third class. It was in stark contrast to other heads of state, but his security guards were everywhere dressed as slum dwellers. After he died, one of his closest aides said “You have no idea what it took to keep that old man in poverty!”

A glance at the Bible could give the impression that Jesus lived the same way, refusing privilege in exchange for a life on the street. But in his case, it was a signpost pointing to God’s great heart for those at the end of the food queue. Jesus did not simply live a good life, he died the death of a common criminal and then rose again providing forgiveness from sin and eternal life for anyone who would simply come.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts” (Winston Churchill)

The grateful people of Britain mourned the death of their illustrious wartime leader, Winston Churchill on this day in 1965. He is remembered for his resilience and leadership during World War II. Many have wondered about his Christian beliefs and how they shaped him as a man. Although he was baptised in the Church of England, Churchill’s personal faith was complex.

He frequently quoted the Bible and often referenced biblical themes in his speeches, to inspire hope and perseverance during Britain’s darkest hours. However, it would appear that Churchill approached Christianity with a kind of pragmatism, placing more value on its impact for society than any kind of personal one.

Churchill had his flaws, including questionable views on others and a rather close relationship with alcohol, but he was powerfully used in the most perilous time of the twentieth century to resist the advance of evil. His stirring words installed a fighting heart in the people of Great Britain and the free world. An American broadcaster said “Churchill mobilised the English language and sent it into battle”

“If a window is broken, someone is certain to say that Snowball came in the night and did it” (George Orwell, Animal Farm)

On this day in 1950, George Orwell died of tuberculosis. In his allegorical masterpiece ‘Animal Farm’ Orwell tells an almost parable-like story of power, corruption and betrayal. It echoes many of the words of Jesus on the street, recorded in the New Testament. Both expose the hypocrisy and cruelty of oppressive regimes.

In Animal Farm, the idealistic pig Snowball, is committed to exposing the problems on the farm but is scapegoated by his oppressors. In the case of Jesus, the suggestion from the religious leaders to him engaging with the sick and the outcasts was to suggest he was the Devil himself.

The ‘Snowball Syndrome’ is what stops many people from owning up to their failure and asking God to help. Jesus highlighted pride as the main thing that blights our human journey. His selfless life and sacrificial death on the cross provide the remedy to the problem. His timeless message challenges us to be reborn into a new life in relationship with God.

“The world is very lovely and it’s very horrible. It doesn’t care about your life or mine or anything else” (Rudyard Kipling)

Author of ‘The Jungle Book’ Rudyard Kipling, died on this day in 1936. He is remembered as one of the literary greats of the nineteenth century but also for the personal tragedy that deeply shaped his later years. His only son John, served in the Irish Guards during the First World War and was tragically missing in action in 1915 at 18 years of age.

Kipling, spent years searching for his son, struggling not only with his grief but also his guilt. He had been a staunch supporter of the war and encouraged his son to enlist, probably using his own position in British society to influence his son’s commission at such a young age. John Kipling’s body was finally identified in 1992, decades after his father had died still searching for him. 

In the Great War, tens of thousands of unknown soldiers died and were given no physical memorial. By 1939, that had all changed, thanks in no small part to the tireless work of the famous author. Hundreds of World War Two headstones in Normandy and other places carry the inscription ‘Known Unto God’ bringing a measure of closure to the loved ones of those brave boys.

“Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming” (David Bowie)

On January 10th 2016, one of the seminal music artists of the last few decades passed away. Fourteen years earlier David Bowie had said “The transformation of everything we ever thought about music will take place within ten years. Music will become like running water, it won’t work by labels and distribution anymore.” Previously he’d predicted the future of the internet with remarkable accuracy. 

Bowie consulted a psychic in the 1970s who told him he would die at precisely the age he did. Without question there’s power in occult and psychic practises, the question is about whether it does us good or ill. The Bible says our eternal future is determined not by knowledge, but simply by our response to the person of Jesus. 

When the son of God stood before the Roman governor, who would condemn him to death, he asked the crowd a question “What will you do with Jesus?” That same question sounds out into the world to this day.

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